Céréales :
Le blé est l'une des céréales les plus cultivées et consommées dans le monde. Voici un aperçu de ses différentes formes et utilisations :
Les céréales de blé transformées (flocons de blé, son, etc.) et sous forme de grains entiers ou de produits ce qui conserve davantage de fibres et de nutriments.
La farine de blé est obtenue en broyant les grains de blé. Selon le niveau de raffinage, on peut obtenir :
Farine complète (T150) : Contient le grain entier, riche en fibres.
Farine semi-complète (T110) : Un peu moins riche en fibres, mais encore nutritive.
Farine blanche (T45 ou T55) : Plus légère et utilisée pour la pâtisserie, le pain blanc, et de nombreuses préparations culinaires.
La farine de blé est très polyvalente pour les recettes culinaires et des pâtisseries.
Elle apporte des glucides, des protéines et parfois des fibres.
Made with natural ingredients from local suppliers in Greece. - Our bagels have a net weight of 120g. - Mini bagels have a net weight of 60g. All Leo’s bagels are vegan except for 3 flavors: - Cranberry with White Chocolate. - Cheddar Cheese Jalapeño. - Blueberry White Chocolate.
Sesame seeds are a versatile ingredient available in a range of colors, including white, brown, black, red, and yellow. These seeds are de-corticated to remove the black skin before packaging, with darker seeds offering the most flavor. Sesame seeds have a nutty, fresh burst-in-the-mouth flavor, commonly used as a topping for bread and buns. They are also sprinkled over salads and stir-fries in Asian cuisine. Ground sesame is the main ingredient in Tahini, a staple paste in the Middle East, and is used in seed bars, chicken dishes, and rice dishes.
En CROVAY NATURAL SOLUTIONS, ofrecemos una amplia gama de cereales de alta calidad, ideales tanto para el consumo humano como para diversas aplicaciones industriales. Estos versátiles ingredientes naturales se han convertido en un pilar fundamental en una gran variedad de sectores.
Cereales para el Consumo Humano
Los granos enteros y los cereales procesados de forma natural se han consolidado como una opción nutritiva y saludable en la dieta. Algunos de los más populares son: Trigo: Fuente de proteínas, fibra y minerales, utilizado en la producción de panes, pastas y productos horneados.
Description :
Le sarrasin (Fagopyrum esculentum), également connu sous le nom de « blé noir », est une plante annuelle originaire d’Asie. Contrairement aux céréales traditionnelles, il ne fait pas partie des graminées, mais des polygonacées. Cela lui donne des caractéristiques nutritionnelles uniques, comme l’absence de gluten. Les grains de sarrasin sont petits, triangulaires, et enveloppés d’une coque brune à noire qui entoure une amande blanche. Nous cultivons notre sarrasin dans des conditions optimales pour garantir une qualité stable et une richesse nutritionnelle élevée.
Origine : Ukraine.
Sesame seeds are tiny, oil-rich seeds derived from the Sesamum indicum plant. They have been cultivated for thousands of years and are widely used in various cuisines around the world. These seeds are small and flat, with a nutty flavor and a delicate crunch. Sesame seeds come in different colors, including white, black, and brown. They are commonly used as a topping for bread, buns, and bagels, as well as in confectionery items like cookies and cakes. Sesame seeds are also a key ingredient in tahini, a paste used in Middle Eastern cuisine. Apart from their culinary uses, sesame seeds are known for their nutritional value, being rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
It is a grain crop. Ripening, resistant to many fungal diseases, unpretentious. The ear is closed from dirt, does not lose the accumulated moisture, is protected from pests. It contains a lot of protein, few calories and most amino acids, which are irreplaceable. It contains other vitamins and various macro and micronutrients. Many different dishes can be cooked from it bread, porridge, soups, crackers, sauces and creams, side dishes for fish, meat, and desserts.
Items Requested in standard Result
Appearance Light yellow to light brown Conforms
Crude protein 46% min 46.15%
Crude Fat 1.0% min 1.10%
Crude Fiber 3.0% max 2.20%
Moisture 10 % max 8.22%
Calcium 0.20%
Phosphorus 0.65%
Total amino acid 4.50%
Total Digestible Nutrients 73% min 78.00%
Quality Standard
Crude protein 50% min,
Ash 30% max,
Moisture 10% max,
Ash 32% max,
Fat 12% max,
As Customers require, Exported standard 50kg or 25kg per woven bag or bigger bag (we can print the bag as your design).
Crude Fat:10%Max
Crude Ash:18%Max
Salt and Sand:5%Max
Packing:25kg / Bag
Corn starch is often used in ketchup, mayonnaise, various sauces and puddings, as well as pie fillings. This product can also help if you need to make the dough less glutenous and give it some tenderness and softness. Corn starch has slightly more calories than potato starch. This product does not contain gluten. The product is tested for gluten at each production phase. Garnec was the first in Russia to receive the right to label its products with the “Crossed Grain” trademark. This trademark is a safety mark for glutenfree products of the Association of European Coeliac Societies, recognized in most developed countries.
Weight:400 g
Variety Feed Barley
Use Cattle, Human
Admixture (%) 1
Moisture (%) 12
Grade 1,2
Packaging 25 kg
Place of Origin SA
Model Number Barley
Barley Brown
Malting Barley Class A
Moisture 13% Max
Protein 10% Min 11.5% Max
Germination Energy 95% after 5 days
Full Barley 90%
Below 2.2 mm Max 3%
Purity of Variety 95% Min
Foreign Variety 1% Max
1000 Kernel Weight 40 gr
HI Weight Min 67 kg/h
Feed Barley Grade 2
Moisture 13% Max
Crude Protein 10% Min
Crude Fiber 8% Max
Damaged Grains 2% Max
Grain Impurities 3% Including Damaged Grains
Foreign Material 1% Max
Feed Barley Grade 3
Moisture 13%
Crude Protein 10% Min
Crude Fiber 8% Max
Damaged Grains 2% Max
Grain Impurities 3% Including Damaged Grains
Foreign Material 3% Max
Packaging 25 Kg PP Bags
Unsere Knuspergrammeln verdienen ihren Namen zu Recht - Frisch und knusprig.
Sie werden aus bestem Rückenspeck behutsam geschmolzen. Unverfälscht und naturrein.
Hausgem. Grammelknödel
Gebackene Grammelknödel
Aparência e Textura
Cor branca/bege, formato de palito;
Textura delicada e ligeiramente crocante.
Ideal para barras de cereais e complementos proteicos, chocolates e pastelaria, saladas, coberturas de iogurte e aveia, cereais e granola.
Soft white wheat exhibits high break and straight-grade flour yields, at low ash and low starch damage. Their flours have low water absorption and low water-, carbonate-, and sucrose-solvent retention capacities.
Otrzymywana z obłuskanych naturalnych nasion gryki zwyczajnej kasza gryczana biała wyróżnia się delikatnym smakiem i bogactwem wartości odżywczych. Ziarno nie jest poddane odróbce termicznej. Wraz ze spożyciem produktu uzupełniamy dietę o drogocenne substancje prozdrowotne, w tym antyoksydanty, magnez, wapń, żelazo i krzem. Stanowiąca źródło błonnika kasza gryczana biała sprawdzi się jako sycący dodatek do obiadu, szczególnie do dań głównych jako substytut ryżu, ziemniaków lub makaronu.
Barley grains contain up to 15.8% proteins, 76% carbohydrates, 3-5% fats, 9.6% fiber, enzymes, vitamins of group B, D, E, A.
Fiber, which mainly consists of groats, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins. Beta-glucans of barley restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and are useful in the treatment of a number of diseases of the digestive system.
Notre Hash Artisanal de haute qualité est fabriqué à partir de pollen de fleur de cbd
100% Bio de Banana Kush. Son fort taux de CBD procure une sensation d'apaisement et de détente qui saura séduire les amateurs comme les connaisseurs de CBD.
Magasin de cbd Nice et Antibes
cbd queen.
Le sésame est une plante annuelle de la famille des Pédaliacée, largement cultivée pour ses graines. Ses vertues reconnues :
Riche en nutriments
Source de fibres et de vitamines
Lutte contre le cholestérol
Lorsqu’elles sont torréfiées, les graines de sésame libèrent un délicieux goût de noisette.
Vertues reconnues
Riches en fibres
favorisent le transit intestinal
favorise la diminution du cholestérol.
Aide à lutter contre les maladies cardio-vasculaires
Wij coaten granen en zaden, zoals zonnebloempitten, pompoenpitten, gepofte granen/zaden (rijst, tarwe, spelt, quinoa, gierst, sorghum), kikkererwten, meergranen, enz.
Al onze gecoate granen en zaden zijn perfect als een ingrediënt in vele applicaties, zoals ijs, ontbijtgranen, chocolade, energierepen, noga, bakkerij producten, yoghurt/salade/groenten toppings, enz.
Naast vanille kunt u ook kiezen voor een van onze andere basissmaken (honing, karamel, ahorn, kaneel en peperkoek), evt. gecombineerd met kruiden e/o specerijen, zoals: Keltisch zeezout, chili (rode peper), rozemarijn, knoflook, kokos, venkel of uw eigen favoriete kruiden/specerijen.
La Perla Maiskolben (4 Stück), Vakuum Pack, 1.062 ml
Der Anbieter stellt keine detailierte Produktbeschreibung zur Verfügung.
GRÖSSE:1.062 ml
MARKE:La Perla
SORTE:Maiskolben 4 Stück, Vakuum Pack
Pastries and cookie pieces:
- various sizes: drops, pieces, granulate, cutout cookies, crunch
- various arts: light, dark or bittersweet, amarettini, caramel or spekulatius, coated etc.
- fruit, choco, nut infused
- sugar free / Halal / Kosher / allergen free etc.
- Customer specific formulations
- Savoury: with pepper, onion, herbs.
Wheat is defined as a cultivated grass that is grown mainly for nutritious grains. It grows anywhere from 2 to 4 feet. The scientific name of wheat is "Gramineae" and it belongs to the genus "Tritium".
We offer whole grain wheat, which is hygienically processed. Customers can get wheat from us at competitive prices. Therefore, we are considered as one of the most reputed suppliers based in India.